NetSetGo (ages 5-10)

A program for girls and boys aged 5 to 10.

NetSetGO is the official starter program for girls and boys.

The NetSetGO activities program is for girls and boys aged 5 to 10. It gives kids of all abilities a positive introduction to netball and teaches them the basic skills of the sport.

NetSetGO is divided into three tiers; Net, Set and GO, meaning that your child will learn at a pace that’s right for their age and ability.

At the Redlands Netball Association (Thornlands) the NetSetGO activities program runs from:

Start Date: Saturday 13th May 2023

End Date: Saturday 5th August 2023

Time:- 9.00am

Cost = $120.00

Click on this link for more information – NetSetGo2023

What will my child learn?

What tier is right for my child?

Suncorp NetSetGO is divided into three tiers; Net, Set and GO*

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